Friday, March 7, 2014

Let’s Hope more Cities Across America Ban the Sale of Puppies in Pet stores

Puppy Mills Need To Be Banned Everywhere

The only way to seriously damage the viability of a puppy mill is to take away one of its major resources – pet stores. Puppy mills have been the bane of good breeders and responsible pet owners for a very long time. The Puppy Mill Project wants to see the banning of all commercially bred puppies to pet stores.  45 Communities in North America have already banned the sale of commercially bred puppies in pet stores.

If Chicago follows suit, they will be the first in the Midwest. That’s good news because the bulk of puppy mill puppies come from the Midwest. They are considered the pipeline of the puppy mill industry. People who buy a puppy from a pet store pay a very high price. Too many times people buy a puppy from a pet store on impulse. Most of the puppies are inbred, haven’t been properly cared for and have health and behavioral issues. 
People fall in love with these puppies and then realize that they can’t take care of them and they end up in a shelter. It’s a vicious cycle that needs to be stopped. It isn’t fair on the puppies, the new owners of the shelters. Too many animals end up in shelters that have no way of taking care of them and have to make the heartbreaking decision to euthanize them. It’s so irresponsible and anyone who can treat an animal in this way needs the book thrown at them. Join our magazine:
The only way to stop puppy mills is for people to stop buying animals from pet stores or over the internet. Responsible breeders won’t sell their puppies to just anyone. They really care about where their puppies go and want to make sure they will have a good life. If you want a dog for life, then never buy from a pet store or someone selling puppies out of the back of a car. Do your homework, visit the breeder and ask to see the conditions that their dogs live in. This way you will know if you can trust that your puppy will be healthy and happy when you take them home.

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