Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Dogs Just Love To Do Silly Things!

Why you can’t get mad with your dog after they leave the scene of the crime

We can learn a lot from dogs about how to have fun and live in the moment. Why do we love them so much? Probably because they faithful, loyal, protective, have loads of personality and can make us laugh at their silly antics. Dogs are highly social animals that are inquisitive and love to explore. It is that inquisitive nature that often gets them into trouble. If they get bored or lonely they will find their own fun.

What they think of as fun or entertaining may not always be to our liking, but what are you going to do? You can’t get mad once it’s done now can you? They don’t really understand that they are in trouble once they leave the scene. This is one of the worst mistakes that owners make when it comes to correcting their dog’s behavior.

Dog’s don’t understand why you are mad with them, unless you catch them in the act of doing something they shouldn’t. If you punish them when you find a chewed up pair of shoes or a hole dug in the yard you run the risk of damaging your relationship. The best cure is prevention and there are many things that you can do to minimize the risk of having items destroyed.

1.    Put all items that belong to you out of reach
2.    When they go to take something they shouldn’t, say ‘No’ in a firm voice and replace it with one of their toys
3.    Confine them to an area of the house they can’t damage when you are out
4.    Exercise them regularly and play with them
5.    Change out their toys every couple of weeks, so they don’t get bored
By following a few simple rules, you should avoid them getting into things they shouldn’t. When they have plenty of mental stimulation they won’t go looking for destructive ways to entertain themselves. For more great tips like these, please follow the links above and join of Facebook Fan Page and get your Free copy of Absolutely Dogs Magazine.

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